The sonde
Here the sonde, it is a VAISALA Radiosonde RS41-SG:
Here a picture of the PCB
Reading data of the sonde
Use a USB to TTL converter and connect it to the connector on the sonde to pin
1-GND, 2-TX and 3-RX. The connector has 2 mm pin spacing:
This is output on the serial channel when powering up the sonde, baudrate 9600:
Vaisala RS41 Radiosonde SW V2.02.15
Copyright (c) Vaisala Oyj 2016. All rights reserved.
Serial number: V4251313
Transmitter frequency: 405.30 MHz
Transmitter power: 3/7
Enabled TX
Service Mode
See here a description on how to go into the service mode to alter settings and read data without reflashing the original software
At the terminal type: <enter> STwsv <enter> (type it slowly).
This menu comes up:
(S)ensors Fre(q)uencies (P)arameters (A)lfa TX p(o)wer
TX (f)requency T(X) state (T)X registers TX contin(u)ous TX ran(d)om
TX (c)arrier (B)aud rate Ser(i)al no (R)ed LED info (N)o menu
(K)eep test mode S(W) version (M)easurements (L)aunch/Drop (E)xit
Type “x” to stop sending on TX (it is illegal to transmit on 405.300 MHz)
Type “i” to change the serial number to f. ex. your call sign
Serial number V4251313 > OZ2XH
This setting will survive reboots.
Type “s” for sensors:
RH: 42.50 RHtu: 31.27 Trh: 25.69 T: 20.62 Tref: 24.45 Tmcu: 23.68 C: 49.14 Rt: 1190.46 Rts: 1061.79 Tp: 0.031 6 Cp: 0.3663q
Type “f” for TX frequency
You can input 400-405,99 MHz
Change TX to 433,500 MHz
To change the TX for radio amateur 70 cm band you can directly access registers to change f. ex. to 433,500 MHz
Type “t” to access TX registers.
Register number (00-7F) > 75
Register value 16 > 21
Now change register 75 to 21, 76 to 02 and 77 to 67.
Unfortunately this change does not survive reboots.
Type “m” for measurements:
A new menu comes up:
(S)ensors Fre(q)uencies S(W) reset (D)efault params (U)se sensor
(R)eg offset Reg (c)heck (T) self-check St(o)p sequence (H)eat ref
(G)PS (N)MEA D(I)rect GPS mode (E)xit
Type “s” for sensors, it ask for Period 1.0 > type 5 and all sensor data are shown every 5 sec:
RH: 29.62 RHtu: 22.55 Trh: 29.81 T: 25.15 Tref: 26.76 Tmcu: 26.29 C: 48.35 Rt: 1191.21 Rts: 1079.93 Tp: 0.0545 Cp: 0.279
Maybe I will find out more later ….