# radio.ini HHA 200307 # Initialization file for Esp-radio # # MQTT broker, credentials and topic to subscribe mqttbroker = broker.hivemq.com # Broker to connect with mqttport = 1883 # Portnumber (1883 is default) mqttuser = none # (No) username for broker mqttpasswd = none # (No) password for broker mqtttopic = espradio # Topic for receiving commands mqttpubtopic = espradioIP # IP will be pubished here # # WiFi network credentials, may be more than on entry. Strongest signal will be selected. wifi_00 = Harbeck_2/10d10d10d # # VS1053 settings volume = 90 toneha = 0 tonehf = 0 tonela = 0 tonelf = 0 # # Presets preset = 3 # Start with preset 03 preset_00 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A03H.mp3 # 0 - DR P1 preset_01 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A04H.mp3 # 1 - DR P2 preset_02 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A05H.mp3 # 2 - DR P3 preset_03 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A14H.mp3 # 3 - DR P4 Oestjylland preset_04 = stream.srg-ssr.ch/m/rsj/mp3_128 # 4 - Radio Swiss Jazz preset_05 = jazz-wr01.ice.infomaniak.ch/jazz-wr01-128.mp3 # 5 - Jazz radio classic jazz preset_06 = jazzblues.ice.infomaniak.ch/jazzblues-high.mp3 # 6 - Jazz radio Blues preset_07 = jazz-wr03.ice.infomaniak.ch/jazz-wr03-128.mp3 # 7 - Jazz radio New Orleans preset_08 = netradio.radio4.dk/radio4 # 8 - Radio4 preset_09 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A25H.mp3 # 9 - DR P5 preset_10 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A29H.mp3 # 10 - DR P6 Beat preset_11 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A22H.mp3 # 11 - DR P8 Jazz preset_12 = live-icy.gslb01.dr.dk:80/A/A10H.mp3 # 12 - DR P4 Nordjylland # End of file