Last edited: 2.10.2021
I have made my own PCB for the ESP8266, the ESP-07 variant.
It is for my Home automation projects and all of them run with BLYNK to make a very easy way of Internet enabling :
Hardware features of the board:
- Power supply: 8-30V DC
- 5V switching regulator module
- 3V3 regulator
- Connectors for temperature sensors (DHT22 and DS18B20)
- Connector for LCD display with I2C expander
- Output for relay
- Port expander with 8 pins
- Reset button
- Flash button
- Inverter for driving a motor drive board (L298N)
- Leaded components only (beside the ESP07)
Here the schematic:
Get a pdf of the schematic ESP07_pcb_sch_181219
And here the board layout (87 x 67 mm):
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